Taipei Philharmonic Foundation

  • 1988年,一群熱愛音樂的企業家和音樂家,有鑒於國內音樂環境仍有開創及發展空間,亟需結合更多力量推動,因而成立以推廣音樂、提昇國內音樂普及化為宗旨的「財團法人台北愛樂文教基金會」,對成立多年的台北愛樂兒童、青年、室內及成人合唱團給予最大支持,期使合唱藝術有更多元表演空間。2004年為建構全方位表演藝術環境,成立「台北愛樂青年管弦樂團」、「愛樂劇工廠」及「愛樂歌劇坊」等常態組織,成為具有合唱團、管弦樂團、音樂劇團、歌劇工作坊及統合製作大型國際藝術音樂節的全方位機構。

    本會對引進國外優秀團體與曲目、培養國內音樂人才不遺餘力。1996年起舉辦的「台北國際合唱音樂節」為國內最大合唱盛事;曾邀請包括英國泰利斯學者、美國香提克利、德國司徒加、瑞典古斯塔夫、匈牙利Cantemus兒童合唱團、拉脫維亞Kamēr等國際知名合唱團體,為國內最具國際水準及知名度的音樂節。此外亦曾邀請英國國王歌手、內蒙古青年合唱團、北京中央少年兒童合唱團、瑞典The Real Group、菲律賓聖多瑪斯合唱團等國際知名合唱團訪台演出。每年暑期舉辦之「國際合唱音樂營」亦為國內合唱人士最熱衷參與的活動,曾邀請參與之音樂家、指揮家不計其數,每年平均吸引超過千人以上合唱愛好者參與和逾萬人以上聽眾受惠。2018年舉辦「台北國際合唱大賽」,為台灣首度舉辦之大型國際合唱賽事,邀集布斯托、松下耕及翁佳芬等國內外知名指揮擔任評審,吸引國內及中港澳、印尼、馬來西亞、菲律賓等亞洲各國共50餘團參與競賽,賽事選定國人原創合唱作品作為指定曲,藉此拓展國人作品至世界各個角落,鼓勵更多國人作曲家投身合唱曲創作,展現台灣成熟的合唱實力。





  • In 1988, perceiving that Taiwan's music environment still had great potential for development, a group of music-loving industrialists and musicians founded the "Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education" in order to promote musical activities and to further raise the cultural standards of Taiwan. The foundation created and supports groups such as the Philharmonic Children's Choir, Youth Choir, Philharmonic Chorus, and Philharmonic Chamber Choir, each with the identical goals of performing and promoting music in Taiwan.

    The Foundation has been making great efforts in introducing outstanding foreign performers and in educating talented Taiwanese musicians. For the last decade, the Foundation had continuously introduced fabulous groups and musicians, such as Chanticleer, Beijing Central Chorus, Beijing Central Children's Choir, Inner Mongolian Youth Choir, King's Singers, Tallis Scholars, Ave Sol, World Youth Choir, English Chamber Orchestra, The Real Group…etc, to name a few. The Foundation also keeps bringing new visions of programs for the audience, including many locally premiered masterpieces, such as Brahms's “Ein Deutsches Requiem", Orff's "Carmina Burana", Fanshawe "African Sanctus", and Bach “Mass in B Minor” with the guest conductor Helmuth Rilling.  Additionally, in order to encourage local Taiwanese composers, the Foundation keeps in long-term collaboration with Professor Chien Nan-Chang. Together they have presented many grand choral and orchestral pieces such as "The Maiden of Malan" which is a grand choral orchestral suite adapted from the music of the aboriginal tribes' of Taiwan.

    For cultivating native talented musicians, the Foundation holds activities such as the "Young Stars Series" and "Youth Musicians Series" and has held the 'Celebrations of Arising Stars Festival" in 1998, 2000 and 2002, in which it selected over 30 young pianists and singers and offered a series of master classes and concerts. In addition, the Foundation holds the annual "Taipei International Choral Workshop" every summer, in which famous Taiwanese or international choral authorities are invited to give lectures. Through a series of intense classes, more choral experiences are brought to Taiwanese music-lovers, and local music quality is provided for players and appreciators of music alike. Since 1996, the Foundation start organizing the "Taipei International Choral Festival" every summer and it has established a brand new vision to local music-lovers and continually brings stimulation to the local music fields.

    While the level of local music quality continues to rise, the Foundation also devotes valuable time to bringing local music to the international stage. Since 1992, the Foundation has been supporting the Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir in touring concerts all over the world. Wherever they have been, they have always left the audiences with impressions of brilliancy. Mr. Dirk DuHei, the Artistic Director of the foundation, often serves as a representative from Taiwan in international choral contests and conferences to promote musical exchanges between Taiwan and many other countries. This in term helps Taiwan gain a greater recognition in the international choral world.

    Only with the long-term support of the public and local enterprises, can the "Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education" reach such high achievements. The Foundation will surely make more efforts in the future to develop local musical performances while simultaneously making its music available to the international stage.